Set in a dystopian future, in which individuality has been stripped, love is a conspiracy and happiness is false, the value of life in a Brave New World is a greatly reduced version of what it is in our reality. When presented with the choice of taking a magical blue pill that would transport me into the Brave New World, I take into consideration all of what that would mean. In sacrificing life’s adversity in the quest for contentment, I would likewise be sacrificing contentment. There is no value to happiness when there is no sacrifice to be made. Thus, with this philosophy, I would choose not to take the magical blue pill presented. To understand the loss of individuality, …show more content…
Even though my body would be artificially preserved and be in relatively good condition for 6 decades, there is no replacement for the mystery of life’s end along with a long and legendary life. As a free thinker who was born into the Roman Catholic religion, I believe that although not everyone should be forced to believe in a religion, the moral structure it provides is deeply important to society. In the Brave New World, the worship of Ford is the reason for the madness, the polygamy, the erotic play and the pedophilia. This type of religion is more of a dangerous cult than a religion and espouses beliefs that are alien to my own. Those who gather to worship Ford chant,“Orgy-porgy, Ford and fun, Kiss the girls and make them One. Boys at one with girls at peace; Orgy-porgy gives release”(Huxley 84). This is just utterly repulsive, I could never imagine singing something like this at a church or with a group of people in the process of worship. With all of the faults of our current reality, they seem to pale in comparison to the outrageous abuses committed by the Brave New World. This futuristic society that promises happiness lacks the true value of life.