Business Problems In Bi Center Case Study

Words: 1116
Pages: 5

Sunrise University ISEM 565 - Project 2A
Aravind Reddy Nannuri
Kishore Reddy Balmuri

Business Problems in BI Center

- Sunrise university will use text mining tools like Eduworks to increase the competency by knowing about parents and students needs from available source or surveys and pass that information to our research and marketing team for best outcome in providing educational services

- We also use FICO text analytics tool for providing best decision making solutions of higher management

- Web site optimization: Using free web analytics tool ‘Google web analytics’ we prepare statistics about the how many people visited our site, what are the pages they viewed. Students or parents view our website to see
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We do sensitive analysis on price to know our market value and competition. Price analysis can be useful to know about the competitors in the market and know about how our financial aid impact on student enrollment
Reference: Case Study 6.3: “Sensitivity Analysis reveals Injury severity factors in Traffic accidents”

- Like the case study 6.2 “Neural Network Help Deliver Microsoft’s mail to audience”. We use Microsoft excel along with NeuroXL software to do estimation and forecasting of the percentage of students who are mailed regarding the alerts, events and courses offered.

- In our university we collect data from all the different educational institutions around the country and by using data mining models like TreeNet we look at the metadata to see if our business strategy can be improved for more student inflow
Reference: “data Mining Goes to Hollywood!”

- We use PSAW statistical analysis and data mining software for student and faculty data analysis. Using data mining we can identify if same student is enrolled for different courses or is he/she is applying once