He believed the lawyers, so he went along with what they said. The trouble is, that they deceived him (C. Smith 2020). The motive for the CIA to lie to the American government and thereby, the American people, was to save American lives (Frederickson 2018). To do that, they had to deny any allegations that these enhanced intelligence techniques were torture. Deception The deception was that the CIA and its operatives chose to keep the truth away from the American people, Congress, the President of the United States, and his cabinet. They willingly misled the Bush Administration to where President Bush believed them enough to support them. When the truth came out, the President still backed the CIA knowing that what they did was wrong, at least in public. Perhaps his personal feelings were/are different, but that cannot be shared in public view. The fifth conclusion of the “Torture Report” is that the CIA repeatedly provided false information to the Department of Justice (DOJ) which in turn obstructed the legal analysis of the program (Feinstein 2012). So, the legal team listened to the CIA, and President Bush listened to his legal