COPD Research Paper

Words: 450
Pages: 2

. What causes people with COPD to have a barrel chest? Describe etiology Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common, preventable, and treatable disease characterized by persistent respiratory symptoms and airflow limitation that is due to airway and/or alveolar abnormalities usually caused by significant exposure to noxious particles or gases. COPD patients often develop hyperinflation. Hyperinflation occurs due to expiratory flow limitation caused by reduced lungs’ elastic recoil and increased airway resistance. Hyperinflation increases during exercise and acute exacerbations. Hyperinflation has a significant negative impact on respiratory muscles, particularly the diaphragm. Studies done in animals, healthy humans, and COPD patients have …show more content…
The ribs become more horizontal and dorsal kyphosis is present in the majority of cases. Other findings include prominent sternum, elevated clavicles, shortened neck, and widened intercostal spaces. Barrel-shaped chest is usually seen in advanced emphysema. Aging can also produce barrel-shaped deformity of the chest without any lung disease (Sarkar et al., 2019). Barrel chest occurs when your lungs overinflate with air due to damage from a lung condition. This causes the lungs and rib cage to stay expanded, giving your chest a rounded, barrel-shaped shape. Treatments include pulmonary rehabilitation, oxygen therapy, and more. When the lungs experience damage from COPD over time, this can cause breathing difficulties and cause the lungs and rib cage to remain expanded. In healthy lungs, during inhalation, your lungs expand wide to take in air. Tiny blood vessels in the alveoli of your lungs exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen. During exhalation, your rib cage constricts while you release carbon dioxide. In lungs with COPD, however, the airways become inflamed, which causes swelling. Extra mucus also clogs the