Career Goal Research Paper

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Pages: 3

Career Goal Essay I have attended South Plains College for one semester now. I plan to study here for two years then transfer to a four year school. It really feels like a place where I belong. I had a great time attending all my classes last semester. I was met with many challenges but I maintained a 4.0 and made the Presidents List. I am currently a general studies major. I have had some interest changes, and want to explore my options. I am considering education, and office management. Attending SPC allows me to affordably try new thing and truly find my passion. Attending South Plains College can unlock the door to my education. Achieving long term goals is a process, and I believe South Plains college is a launching pad to great things. …show more content…
The academics at Sundown is more rigorous than most schools in our area. Sundown students learn very quickly what it means to work hard to earn your education. I also have been a part of Sundown’s dyslexic program since third grade. For me having dyslexia is a blessing in disguise. It gave me an incredible work ethic, and I am thankful for the struggle, because I realized who I really am. I was not a girl with dyslexia, but a strong young woman who can do anything I set my mind to despite my limitations. I came to realize that life is not going to be easy, so enjoy the process, and embrace the struggle. People often never realized I had dyslexia, because I never used it as an excuse. However, having dyslexia taught me how to learn things differently. This allows me to help other students when they are struggling. I am good at explaining things differently for each person I help so they will understand. College has presented a new set of challenges. Learning to manage harder classes, and take good notes are just a few. Despite the extra hours needed to read and process the material and the almost 3,000 flashcards I have made to study for tests, I did rather well. I worked hard last semester to honor the requirements of scholarships and to be someone a donor would be proud of, but most of all i wanted to be proud of