Q2. Explain the implications of the work ethic Sheehy describes for the future of American business. The two implications that the future of American business has to look forward to is the non-content of the workers. In the workforce of today, many workers feel alienated and the employers do not care about their employees. The more work you do the less you are appreciated. The fast food establishment employees are usually young people or young single mothers that have no other choice except to work in this type of environment. The utilitarian point of view states that workers need to be happy in what they do in order for them to give you the complete loyalty the employers are expecting from the workers. The young people are placed in this type of job because they do not process the skills it takes to work at a better paying and rewarding job. They do not believe in hard work and long hours because of the minimal wage they are receiving. The single mothers feel they are in a no advancement job and that there is no upward mobility in these types of jobs.