Case Study Assignment

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Pages: 7

Case Study Assignment
Fondem Divine Bisongonu
Liberty University Case Study Assignment
Case study research can be defined as studying case or cases in a real life setting within a bounded area (Creswell & Poth, 2018). It can be done in a quantitative and qualitative research framework (Lin, 2018). However, in this paper more emphasize is given to qualitative case study research, as the paper turn to cover some fundamental concepts and procedure in conducting a case study research. In doing so, this paper develops some basic key concepts on the systematic procedure of adopting a case study research design. Understanding the methodology involve in case study research, this paper has also specifically discussed the following themes: A description of a case study research, major challenges involve when conduction a case study research, problem statement, and research questions. that could be investigated by adopting a case study research design and purpose statement.

Description of Case Study research
Despite the close similarity that exist in each of the five qualitative
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If a researcher is conduction a single case study design in the bounded area, he or she is posed with the challenges of findings justification (Lin, 2018). Lin (2018) described that is a major challenge to the researcher because it is not good to “lay all eggs in one basket” (p.38). The question that surface here is that why do researchers think the findings of this single case might be a representative of the entire phenomenon in the market? For example, if a researcher is studying doctoral persistence at Liberty University (bounded system) as a single case study, the researcher might be subjected to question such as why do believing that the findings at Liberty University might represent the entire University in the United States. There is a huge challenge of case