Cellular Respiration

Words: 737
Pages: 3

Unit 1
Key Question #3

As you may have already known, there are many things that make up our daily lives. One of those things is photosynthesis and cellular respiration. These two components are what is performed by daily living organism which helps us sustain our lives. Both of these are important to us on earth because each one has its own role in bringing us life but depending on each other in a way. Photosynthesis is a process known to be performed by plants and cellular respiration is performed by organisms who need to fulfill this requirement to be able to produce energy in their system. As we get further into this, this will show more in depth on how one of them is being decreased due to the unfortunate decisions of human activity. Let us begin with photosynthesis.
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Photosynthesis helps to balance the earth's carbon cycle by taking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and replacing it with oxygen. Without having plants releasing oxygen into the air, then there wouldn’t be any animal life on the earth.

If plants weren’t able to survive, then it would impossible for cellular respiration and photosynthesis to be occurring. Currently, there are some decreasing elements in which humans greatly affect these two processes. Some human threat that may hurt this balance include such as Deforestation; as long as humans are cutting down trees for any type of usage, this means that the less plants, the less percentage of oxygen is being produced. Also, carbon dioxide emission; because humans rely massively on the usage of cars to get them to places they need to go, this gives off a big amount of carbon dioxide. Plants aren’t able to remove such great amount and convert it into oxygen to balance the cycle. This becomes a result of global warming, breaking the balance between photosynthesis and cellular