Changes In British Imperialism

Words: 710
Pages: 3

Over the past two generations and also considering the current generation there has been observed a tremendous social changes. These social changes were observed due to various factors related to the social institutions i.e. political, education, and economic institutions. Each of these factors played an important part for making the current situation of this generation possible. On the other hand, social mobility has moved in a random direction of ups and downs. These undirected changes are caused due to huge diversity of people among these generations.
The continent of India was under the British imperialism for about 100s of years. During their rule, people in India were supposed to do according to British rule. People who lived in that generation, life was really hard for survival. Survival was difficult because the politics of the country was really tough due to
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The term bartering system is defined as a way of trading where two people exchange goods to each other without using the medium of money. During my grandfathers’ generation bartering system was considered the only means for greater accessibility of sources. Due to British imperialism, currency was finally established in India and since then economy is being highly valued. On the other hand, when on my father’s generation money was not used so much as it is being used now. The reason behind this usage was that everything was cheaper to buy as compared to now, but the employment opportunity was completely different. The employment opportunity was really poor because agriculture and artesian was the only opportunities for people because the society lacked modern technologies. Consequently, as the generation moved from one to the other, the rising population and the huge diversity gave rise modernization that created a larger number of employment opportunities for the