Turner 2 leave, leave behind her family, her town, and everything she knew in order to escape the place she saw no future for herself in. Dee’s hope for self growth is misguided she views life through such a narrow minded looking glass her that chances of growth are little to none. Dee returns home with the same mindset that she is still above everyone and the fact that she is educated and “in touch” with her heritage only makes her better. Hopeful for a change in attitude upon Dee’s arrival home, Maggie and her mama’s dreams are short lived. Dee steps out of the car over dressed in bright colors with several noise making bracelets and introduces herself as, “Wangero Leewankia Kemanjo!” (219) because she, “. . . couldn’t bear . . .being named after the people who oppress [her]” (220). Her mother attempts to explain that her name itself holds history and meaning as she was named after her several generations of strong African American woman that formed the building blocks for the family. Dee no longer see’s her Maggie and her mother as family but as oppressed and uneducated people with no understanding of who they are or where they come from, however it is Dee that believes she has found a new light when in reality her conformist thought process shows blatant ignorance toward her very own family history. Dee continues her charades as she bounces through the house picking up multiple items that hold sentimental value and