The results of a scientific research indicate chewing gum may be good for a number of things that include: improve memory, stress reduction, increase focus, alertness and concentration, manage weight, improve oral health and etc.
Chewing gum improves memory
Psychologists say, the chewing gum can help in improving memory and enhance cognitive powers. They found that people who chewed throughout tests produced significantly better scores than people who did not. There are a number of potential explanations for that.
The act of continuous chewing or moving of our jaw actually improves our memory. The activity in the area of our brain that is important for memory (the hippocampus) increases while people chew. …show more content…
Psychiatrists and psychologists believe that chewing gum reduce tension and help to release nervous energy. Chewing gum may provide an outlet for frustration and irritation.
Recent research has shown that the rhythmic motion of chewing gum has a stress-reducing effect because relaxed and satisfied feelings.
Chewing gum helping to manage weight
With low calorie count (5 to 10 per serving), chewing gum is an inexpensive snack. According to some studies the adults who chewed the gum ate 36 calories less of the snack than adults who did not chew gum. Both regular and sugar free chewing gum helped the adults to eat less.
The physical act of gum chewing may help to reduce your cravings for high calorie snacks. According to a group of scientists chewing gum can burn about 11 calories per hour.
Chewing gum improves digestion
Chewing gum helps to improve intestinal motility, also helps to increase saliva flow which promotes more frequent swallowing. This helps to prevent reflux of acid from the stomach back into the throat. So it reduces the level of hydrochloric acid which helps in the survival of the bacteria E. coli which helps in digestion and improves the health of the intestinal