Main development of children 0-2, 3-5 and 5-8 years.
0-2 years.
Children at this age explore with their hands and mouth. Learning to use everyday objects is an important development at this age. They learn how to use a spoon, they learn how to drink from a cup and how to comb their hair. By age 2 they will typically have a vocabulary of 50 words. As they learn to speak they use 2 to 3 word sentences.
Children will first learn to hold their head and by 6 months they begin to roll and sit. Children learn to creep then crawl. They then pull themselves up and begin cruising. Usually by 12 months old they aare able to take 2 or 3 steps unaided.
At 24 months they will begin to run and go up and down stairs (holding someones hand).
You can expect a child to imitate facial expressions and develop a social smile by 3 months old.
Language starts with babbling which leads to learning to say and respond to simple words and phrases.
Toddlers with play in parallel with another child but not actually WITH that child.
Crying is the primary means of communication when a childs needs are not being met.
Even very young children discover a spiritual perspective of the world. If their parents are warm and caring they find a wonderful world. A sense of spirit is developed through the five senses: hearing, smelling, touching, seeing and tasting.
3-5 years
Its important to stimulate the child by reading aloud to them everyday. Imaginary play is a noteable milestone at this age. Children begin to name colours and understand simple counting.
By age 3 pre schoolers know 300 words. This grows to 1500 by age 4 and to 2500 by age 5. To stimulate their language they should be read to, talked to and asked questions.
Hopping, climbing, swinging and doing forward rolls begin at this stage. They can draw circles and start to learn how to copy a square and some capital letters.
Children often become frushrated with wanting to do something they are unable to do and will have lots of falls and mishaps.
Interaction with other children increases. A huge amount of social development occurs through fantasy play and imagination. Children at this age need to learn to deal with conflict and solve problems without much emotion.
Kids move easily between fantasy and reality and reality can become quite emotional and their imaginary play. They often cannot tell the difference between fantasy and reality. Monsters in the wardrobe or under the bed and the dark become real threats to them.
Children have an active imagination and are open to the supernatural. You might be surprised to hear a child say profound things about God, the world or life. Most children will tend to think in black and white – they know about good and evil. At this age they will begin to use the religious or spiritual language of the family.
5-8 years.
By this age children gradually learn to read. Children who are read to aloud and who are encouraged to read tend to develop more quickly intellectually. The child will become better in understanding the concept of time. They enjoy hearing about past times. By age 6 most children can count to 100. By age 8 they are beginning to learn to multiply.
More abilities will develop. Mny can ride a 2 wheeled bike and become more skillful at skipping, catching and throwing. They will also practice balancing a lot.
Children at this age become more adept at relationships but may also have many conflicts with peers. Most children are competitive and become upset and argumentative when they lose. At 6 or 7 children tend to do best with one friend but bt age 8 will begin working well in small groups of 3 or 4.
Children still tend to be self centered. Most want to be first and the center of attention. There will periods that a child will sulk or worry.They tend to have their