Child Neglect Paper

Words: 3501
Pages: 15

Neglect refers to the careless or abusive treatment of children. Negligent care or mistreatment includes the inability to provide sufficient food, medical attention, supervision, clothing, and a suitable home. Neglecting a child can have detrimental both immediate and future implications on their behavioral, socioemotional, and cognitive development. Early-life neglect is particularly harmful to later development, which is in line with ideas relating to attachment theories. Furthermore, neglect is linked to consequences that differ from physical abuse in many ways, particularly throughout early adolescence and infancy. Children who are neglected experience more severe cognitive and educational deficiencies, social detachment with decreased …show more content…
To do this, they will need to attend the required classes and counseling sessions, where the counselor determines that the parents are psychologically fit to have the children return home. Because these conditions are met, the court will rule in favor of the children's return. It is difficult in every way to place deaf children in a proper setting since the foster care system currently in place does not accommodate them. The children are immediately placed in a vulnerable situation when they are placed with hearing parents who do not speak American Sign Language. This calls for a social work approach from a micro- standpoint. To evaluate how each child is developing while growing up with both hearing parents, the youngsters require particular care in a micro sense. It would be necessary to take action to place the kids somewhere else if their emotional and physical development did not match that of other kids their age. This Position Statement underscores the importance and need for quality foster care services for deaf …show more content…
Virtue itself is a disposition to act, think, and feel in certain ways. Bad actions display the opposite and are informed by vices, such as cowardice, treachery, and ignorance. Aristotle and other ancient Greeks established the theory of virtue ethics. It is the pursuit of knowledge and a morally upright existence. This morality-based on-character approach assumes that virtue is something we develop via practice. Honesty, bravery, justice, generosity, and so on are virtues that one practices and grows in. Aristotle believed that those who practice virtue will often make the correct decision in morally difficult