Child Trauma Case Study

Words: 764
Pages: 4


Strengths of child and family During the time John was still in prison, John got his GED, his associate’s degree and his bachelor’s degree in sociology from Lewis University in 1991.
John got married while he was in prison, had a daughter, but got divorced in 1998.
In 1984, John’s baby sister was killed in the car crash at age 11 and the mother sued the city for not having an adequate median barrier, as well as an auto maker. She won a settlement of more than $200, 000. 00 and gave $20,000.00 to John for massive copying and mailing, because john repudiated his confession and proclaimed his innocence and recounted the beatings he had received from the police. There were no witnesses or material evidence presented against John at his trial linking him to the crime. At the time John was
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According to Steele and Malchiodi, one unifying belief can be cornerstone for a comprehensive trauma-informed, resilience- focused model of care (p.121). John and his family believed that Aunt Pat was a good caretaker that could be a cornerstone for comprehensive trauma in that they would act differently after her death and be affected negatively.
Environmental stressors:
Aunt Pat was not married, she got public aid, and her only son was murdered. She had a basement apartment, in an all-Black and largely poor area, with poverty stricken individuals as usual companions. The area suffered from widespread joblessness, crime, and truancy.
The family moved several times to similar south side neighborhoods. The childhood was “normal” given the area. He started working at an early age, mowing lawns, ranking leaves, shoveling snow, selling candy on the train and delivering papers. The family considered him as the provider.
Exposure to community violence: racial discrimination, poverty, poor educational system,