Children And Poverty

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Pages: 5

The purpose of this essay will be to discover a variety of academic and practical views in relevance to childhood, family, and society. This essay additionally aims to be discussing both sides of the argument, for and against poverty causing violence in society by relating to academic ideas and exploring sociological views and values
Poverty occurs when people lack the means to fulfil their basic needs. Knowles and Holms indicated that children develop within the first 5 years is very important and therefore will give children the opportunities learn and develop if their primarily based around the family background and parenting is positive and encouraging. However, the importance of how a child starts in life and what is provided to them by
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In several low income countries,, crime rates seem to contrast throughout the world. Therefore, although violent crime is current in several countries the violent crime rates usually appears as concerning 5 times bigger, and therefore the rate of crime is doubled. Macionis j, j AND PLUMMER k (2012) According to the new approach to child poverty the UK is facing an increased rate of financial condition that's causing difficulties to families. Consistent with the New Approach to child poverty 1.9 million children live in unemployed families within the UK’. Success in Britain, in terms of achieving at school and gaining a well-paid job, depends on a variety of factors, education is one amongst them.However, access to the social skills that change children to create the most of their education and maintain to succeed as a results of is much more …show more content…
Although violence takes place in all socioeconomic groups, it is more common in low-class families. This shows how she believes poverty does cause violent due to men’s who think about the social position a woman should be, are more likely to abuse them this means that gender inequalities increase the risk of violence. Accordingly to Titterington,2006) she considered that the highest amounts of domestic violence are experienced by those who lack power and financial resources. Therefore this shows the confidence that men's have which makes them take control over women’s and apply their power to them. Poverty can cause Domestic violent as they see no way of escaping. Those who go through domestic violence are more likely to be victims because they live in a poor society. Domestic violence is one cause that can affect women in society as they can feel they have no financial support that can help them. Sandra & Tina (2014) discovered that the feminist social work theory that focuses on power consequently the importance of gender inequality that is highlighted in the feminist approach. Society sees violence as an expression of social power which becomes used as a way for men to control and dominate women’s. Feminist perspective shows how society sees domestic violence as the male gaining power and control over the women. This shows how men misuse the power and believe they have the right to