Christopher Columbus Research Paper

Words: 454
Pages: 2

In Christopher Columbus’ early life, he loved exploring. When he was an adult he began his first exploration, which was called the age of exploration. Mainly, he wanted to find a safer way to India. They were making a safer way to India because you can only use the silk road. It cost a lot to go in and the second thing is they needed to get half of what they had. There were lots of bandits in the process to shift things.Then he began to ask the queen and king of Spain for a sponsor. It took him years and years. Finally, the queen and the king finally gave him a sponsor to make a safer way to India. When he found the new land he got the three gg. Which were god, gold and glory. The age of exploration began in 1492 and it was Christopher Columbus' …show more content…
The Inca empire fell because the Incas did not have that many weapons. The Spanish had guns and swords and many more. Some of the things the soldiers did were not fully armed on the Inca side. Spanish diseases killed most of them. The Spanish had too many men. The Europeans were skilled fighters. In 1572 the Spanish captured the last Inca emperor, Tupac Amaru. The Inca were defeated in 1572. Most of the Spanish killed were by disease. Francisco Pizarro was to end the Inca empire. Incas was conquered by the Spanish in 1572. Some of the incas were enslaved by the Spanish to work labor and some art is still in the museum, some costing 1 million. In the Columbian exchange there were beans,caco,mazi,peanuts, pineapple,potato,pumpkins,squash,sweet potatoes,tobacco and tomatoes brought to europe. There were bananas,cattle, chickens, citrus fruits, coffee beans, grapes, horses,oninones,peaches and pigs brought to the new world. In the Columbian exchange there were deadly viruses and bacteria,such as smallpox,measles,typhus,influenza, yellow fever,and cholera.There were things like animals, fruits, and diseases. Most diseases kill almost 90% of the population. Which killed 55