Essay on Citation and Module Title Seminar

Submitted By Felistus55
Words: 493
Pages: 2

Assessed Coursework Coversheet for INDIVIDUAL Coursework


Student No. 12104808 Student Name

Module No. Module Title
Seminar tutor’s name

Extract from the Student Conduct Regulations:
2.2.1 Students shall comply at all times with the provisions of the Regulations for Candidates taking Assessments. In particular they shall not commit impersonation, collusion, plagiarism, falsification, duplication, submit the work of others as their own, or otherwise cheat in any assessment.

Explanation of terms used in the Student Conduct Regulations:

Impersonation means taking an assessment on behalf of another student, or allowing another person to take an assessment on your behalf.

Collusion means producing assessed work by working with another person who you have not been authorised to work with by the Module Leader. This includes, but is not limited to, allowing another student to copy your work.

Falsification means presenting invented data, for example claiming that you have conducted interviews or sent out questionnaires when you have not, or altering or making up your results.

Plagiarism means submitting the work of someone else as if it were your own. When you include someone else’s ideas in your assignment, you must provide a reference in the text. If you copy someone else’s words (a quotation), you must show clearly in the text how much was copied by using speech marks. It is not enough just to list your references at the end of your assignment. Guidance on the correct use of references can be found on, and also in a handout in the Library.

Duplication means submitting work for assessment which has been assessed before, either in this University or elsewhere, without acknowledging the extent of the previous submission.

If you do not understand what any of these terms mean, you should ask your Module Leader to