Citizens United Vs Fec Case Study

Words: 935
Pages: 4

When it comes to businesses talking about politics or donating money to political causes, there are rules in place to make sure things stay fair and transparent. These rules, often governed by campaign finance laws, dictate how much money corporations can contribute to political candidates, parties, or political action committees, and what disclosures they need to make about their political spending. “The Supreme Court spoke clearly this term on the issue of corporate political speech, concluding in Citizens United v. FEC' that the First Amendment protects corporations' freedom to spend corporate funds on indirect support of political candidates” (Bebchuk). The ethical question here revolves around whether it’s right for businesses to engage in political activities. While some argue that companies should stay out of politics …show more content…
Filing a legal action, or lawsuit, against an individual or business involves several steps aimed at resolving disputes in a fair and orderly manner. “A civil lawsuit is different than other lawsuits as it is based on non-criminal terms. Typically, a plaintiff files a complaint against the defendant based on contractual incidents or accidents. The plaintiff is usually looking to recover money or to allow/disallow certain acts” First, the plaintiff, the person initiating the lawsuit, must prepare a written document called a complaint outlining their claims against the defendant and file it with the appropriate court. This complaint typically includes factual allegations and legal theories supporting the plaintiff’s case. After filing the complaint, the plaintiff must ensure that the defendant, the party being sued, is properly served with a copy of the complaint, along with a summons notifying them of the