Mixed African Chicks accepts the notion that girls can embrace all of who they are because that’s what makes them beautiful. My goal is to promote the beauty of the whole person from the inside out. I do this by helping young girls in the inner cities, promoting self worth, education, and career planning. This organization has grown substantially, having groups in over 12 cities now. I have also joined and led a group to help and bring awareness to the mass incarceration in America, and shed light on its racial disparities. I am constantly reading and following American Civil Liberties Union, which I hope to one day be apart of. I have also worked at a non profit Zoological garden, educating children about the endangerment of animals here and across the world, focusing mainly on the larger felid species, which I also have an incredible passion for. I have attended seminars at USC Gould School of Law Student Animal Legal Defense, in regards to the legal movements going on here in America to make changes in the animal world. I have been a volunteer at Big Brothers Big Sisters for two years now, and it has been one of the most fulfilling experiences working with a young girl who battles with different life struggles and helping her navigate them, while being her number one and constant