Civil War Causes

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Pages: 4

Four years of bloodshed. Why? The American Civil War has left many dumbfounded as to why it even began in 1861. This war was fought between the North and the South, and began on the 12th of April, 1861 and ended on the 9th of April, 1865. Many believe that the war was fought only because of slavery. Although that may have been a cause, there are many other reasons as to why this War between the States even occurred, such as: economic differences between the North and the South, the Expansion of America, the election of resident Lincoln, and the taxes that was enforced. One of the causes of the American Civil War was the economic differences between the North and the South. The economy in the North was based on manufactured goods. While in …show more content…
As American began to increase in size, a decision had to be made. Would the states that are admitted to the union be a slave state or a free state? The Missouri Compromise passed in 1820. The reason for this Compromise was because Missouri wanted to be admitted as a slave state, but that would upset the balance of slave state to free state. So Congress arranged a two part compromise which allowed Missouri to enter as a slave state, but admitted Maine as a free slave. An amendment was also passed which crew an imaginary line across what was known as the Louisiana Territory. When the Mexican War occurred, the conflict began again. What would happen to the new territories? David Wilmot created the Wilmot Proviso. It would ban slavery in the new territories; however, after much debate it was rejected. The Compromise of 1850 was created to prevent a crisis between the North and The South. The Fugitive Slave Act, part of the Compromise of 1850, was amended and abolished slavery in Washington, D.C. Most Northerners was against slavery, and even helped some slaves escape from the South. The South was in fact, for slavery. Since the South’s economy depended on agriculture, they depended on the slaves and feared that abolishing slavery would ruin them …show more content…
The reason for that was that he was a Northerner and it was said that he was against slavery. They felt that their life was threatened when he became president. The South did not want to abolish slavery because they knew that would affect their economy greatly. During the next few months, seven states seceded from the Union. Those seven states were Florida, Alabama, South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas. The Civil War started a year after he was