Clara Barton Research Paper

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Pages: 3

Barton worked as a teacher for ten years. Barton taught at local schools. Barton wants everyone to be equal. Barton raised money to build a school for the kids of the millworkers because her brother worked as a millowner. b. (Spinner,15). Barton went to school at the Liberal Institute in Clinton, New York. She studied foreign languages, history, mathematics, and philosophy. Barton only went there for three terms because she did not have the money. When Barton returned home, she found out that her mother had died. Norton and Mrs. Norton asked Barton to work at the boys' school. Barton taught at a school for boys in Cedarville, New Jersey. Spinner, 17. Clara Barton established a free school in 1851. She had at first six students and the went to two-hundred …show more content…
Barton left the school in February of 1854. Barton and Fanny Childs moved to Washington, D.C. Barton began reading in the Library of Congress. When Barton visited the Senate, she started to understand politics. e. (Spinner, 27-32). Barton lost her job in 1865. Barton went to work for the Patent Office. Spinner, 29-30. Barton quit school to become a nurse. After she quit teaching, she served under Abraham Lincoln. Barton helped Lincoln find the missing soldiers. ( On April 12, 1861, the Civil War began. Barton cared for the injured and she brought them food and clothes. Barton spent most of her time with the home sick and the soldiers. She wrote letters and prayed for them. Barton helped cure the soldiers in need during the war. Barton wrote to the union generals during the war. In July of 1862, Barton had permission to provide bandages, clothing, and food for the war. Barton removed bullets from the soldiers using a pocket knife. Barton opened an office to find the missing or dead soldiers. (Spinner, 40-45).Barton took other supplies and bandages to the hospital on the