It allows a student to feel as though they are not failing at everything they touch. A strength that I am proud to discuss is technique. I have discussed with the technologists that I want to work on it and improve upon. They were not only willing but they enabled me to allow myself to now call this a strength. I stopped letting them set the technique instead I would tell them what I wanted my technique to be as they would help speed up the exam process. Instead of just going along with their techniques, I have made a point to work on it by stating the technique out loud and learning what works and does not work. I have observed my exposure index values and I can state my exposure values are at the appropriate levels. I have been able to adjust the technique to fit the patient and not question what exposure value I need on exams. I adjust for the views and use automatic exposure control sparingly. When I do, I ensure the patient is properly in the position to make sure that AEC will work effectively. With techniques of kVp and mAs set appropriately for patients, it was time to improve trauma