Clinical Strengths

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Pages: 4

A. Clinical Strengths & Needs
• Strengths: Some of my strengths were demonstrating professional values of caring and holism in the nursing practice and demonstrating professional behaviors at a beginning level. An example of objective 1 was demonstrated in the skills lab when we had a class discussion after we all assisted our classmates with eating and brushing their teeth. Both these activities were eye opening as I was able to put myself in the resident’s shoes which made me realize how they may feel during these procedures. During this discussion we were ask how we felt when we were the resident and when we were the nurse feeding the resident. I responded by stating when I was the resident I felt helpless. As the feeder, I was more conscious
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For example, making sure they’re comfortable or by starting a casual conversation. As a nurse caring for a resident, you need to be concerned with the resident well-being both mentally and physically. I demonstrated objective 6 when I did research at Landmark. I arrived in professional clothes, greeted staff, and researched my resident’s charts in an empty conference room as patient charts are confidential. Landmark is allowing me to come to their facility and learn; therefore it’s important to be friendly, professional, and respect their rules. Both times I have been in Landmark, I have noticed many residents realizing there are new individuals in the building. There is one resident in particular that sits near the nurse’s station and smiles as they sees new faces. I make sure to smile back or wave. Even though, I am not currently caring for any residents I know I am making a difference in their day by simply taking the time to smile back. Personally, if I was the resident I would want people to acknowledge me even …show more content…
Elements of therapeutic communication discussed in this article are building trust, respecting cultural differences, actively listening, communicating objective observation to the patient, being empathic as well as sympathetic. All these elements discussed are revolved around trying to decrease the amount stress for the patient and nurse. The article uses a great example of actively listening, which can incorporate body language. This could be sitting towards the patient making eye contact frequently and could convey the message that you’re interested in what they’re communicating. The article talks about discussing objective observations with the patient; an example use is, “I noticed you didn’t eat anything today”. Personally, I think this demonstrates that you as the nurse care about the patient. In conclusion, the article “Therapeutic Communication in the Clinical setting”, describes therapeutic as holistic patient care and relationship that focuses on all aspects of the