College Admissions Essay: Hope For The Future

Words: 864
Pages: 4

Hope for the future The Voice of democracy and ones hope for the future. Hope that the democracy changes or at most makes at least an effort in improvement. I am one tiny voice in a sea full of huge voices, but don’t let that discourage you. Now, America’s history? Yes it has ups and downs, but we can make it better. I have that hope, me, this tiny voice has enough hope for the entire sea. We can try if we wanted to, and that’s part of the problem. Nobody does. What’s wrong with this country? Listen to my opinions and thoughts, you can decide whether there valid. One problem is that our country is having a set back from when democracy was declared in 1791 and all the progress that we made since then, was almost obliterated. Through a War, …show more content…
I want these things to happen because I am part of the next generation, I want my forth coming into this life thing to be already on its own course. Not that I’m willing to put in the effort, believe me I am but certain things have happened that prevent me from these decisions but a girl can dream. Like Martin Luther King Jr. “I Have a Dream” but he had more of an impact than I do. I still have hope, it keeps me going. But these are my reasons, what are yours? Maybe you see a future where nothing has changed, I bet that would be nice. Or you see a future more futuristic and tech has taken over, I’d like to see that, but the odds of that happening in my time or pretty low. Whether you see change or not I believe it still needs to happen still need a reason? I got plenty, our government should not have so much control over our lives. I also think our lives should not depend on a school diplomas although I believe it is necessary they should provide more lifelike courses, and realistic like how to balance a check book. Not enough? I strongly believe we need more equality, because if you have not been paying attention that’s what I’ve been getting at. I believe we need to be encouraged and pushed towards voting not just adults but the next generation whether that be 16 and