Most students will plan an intense study schedule in order to help them prepare for the SAT (eCampusTours). They want the best chance they have and aim to score as high as they can. Over the years, plenty of changes have been made to the SAT such as having an entire new section added in where you’re to write an entire essay based on a given thesis (Staff). However, these changes can impact a students’ score depending on whether or not you lack skills in the essay writing department. The addition of the essay writing section was a good idea and is raising the standard for the average student. This can help a student get into the habit of studying daily, or can increase their studying intensity for their everyday schoolwork and make them want to put in more …show more content…
It shows the differences between students and can possibly be a wakeup call for students who don’t study enough. Even though the material on the SAT may not be identical to what you learned in class, if you go in knowing exactly what’s going to be on every single test, you’re never going to learn what you need to improve on. That’s why it’s important for all of us to take the skills we obtain in the classroom and throughout life and learn to apply them to different situations. Not only that, but standardized testing is just an easier way for colleges to go through students’ applications. Since all students take the test in almost exactly the same environment, it provides an accurate way to show which students are fit for their