People need to communicate for a number of different reasons.
We communicate small things from what we like to eat to sometimes bigger things such as if we are being harmed.
We communicate our wishes and feelings, express our needs and build relationships.
Communication can also be informal and just for fun if we are talking to friends and family.
In the work setting communication is particularly important between working proffesionals to build trust and so that we have information on how to safeguard and properly care for the people we look after.
Communication can also be physical not just verbal so itisimportant that we understand how our service users communicate.
Very comprehensive answer
1.2 How may communication affect relationships in the work setting?
Communication is particularly important in our work setting as we are looking after people who are very vulnerable.
If we communicate well our service users get the care they require but if we fail to communicate effectively service users could miss out on care that they require.
It is also important for staff to communicate not just through care plans as we can pass important things over.
Good, well done
2.2 What are the factors to consider when promoting effective communication?
You must make sure that everyone can understand what you are trying to communicate and this means being very flexible in our approach.
With service users some may have communication problems such as not being able to verbalise what they would like.
PEC's symbols are really good because they are visual and can be an easier way of communicating effectively we also needto be able to read body language and facial expressions.
Some people may also have trouble reading, writing or have trouble with their sight. It is important that other methods are made available to them, someone who can help them read or larger text.
If someone has trouble writing they could type notes and use spell check. There is also a programe that can be installed easily that reads back what you have written.
We may also have service users to whom English isn't their first language, all efforts should be made to have staff who can speak their language.
In our care setting our service users may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol and may not be able to communicate. Again in this instance we must work through the barriers and find a way to communicate.
Well done, your answer shows a good level of knowledge
3.1 Explain how people from different backgrounds may use and/or interpret communication methods in different ways
Everyone communicates differently, for some people profanity may be everyday language and used to express things rather than to cause offence.
If someone is frequently using bad language this could be interpreted as someone being rude or agressive but to others may be informal.
If English is a second language sometimes this can sound very brash and harsh but the person who is speaking might be asking very politely.
Yes, but also need to consider issues mentioned above
3.2 What barriers may there be to effective communication?
Speech is the biggest barrier as its what we all use frquently to communicate and the quickest way of communicating.
Other barriers may be someones mental or physical state,language barriers, vocabulary, anxiety and environmental factors.
If someone has hearing problems we can install loop systems and get the person hearing aids.
Well done
3.5 Where would you access extra support or services to enable individuals to communicate effectively?
We can