Comprehensive Reflection: Changing My Writing Style

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Pages: 4

Comprehensive Reflection Over the course of this class, I have seen improvements in my writing and I have realized more improvements need to be made. Writing about different topics and changing my writing style took me out of my comfort zone. At first, I would get frustrated because I really didn't know where to start or how to fix these reoccurring problems in my writing. However, the ABGW book was a great source and answered many of my questions regarding how to approach different essays, speeches, and using the correct citations for a particular format. As a writer, I have finally accepted the idea that my paper can have a different style or voice than what others may have and it still …show more content…
The writing process of reading, writing, and revision is what stood out to me the most because I do this process just not in the right way. All the steps were being completed just at the bare minimum, I would only do one rough draft and then turn it in. Missing points on easy mistakes that I had overlooked like grammar, punctuation, and purpose. Today I take this process seriously because I want to improve my flow, grammar, and structure in my writing. I hate when I continuously jump back and forth into different topics within an essay because I know that if it is confusing to me it will be confusing to the readers as …show more content…
There are only two categories no in-between, masculinity is put in one box and femininity in another. Those who do not match their sex with their gender or who do not "act" like a certain gender are usually called offensive names and face harsh judgment. Your gender is socially contracted not biologically formed, but since both terms are used interchangeable many are unaware of the difference. Gender can be expressed in different ways throughout many countries. I remember reading “Yellow Woman and a Beauty of a Spirit” by Leslie Marmon Silko, found in the Reconstructing Gender book. This article displayed how their society lived without any gender roles giving them the freedom to do whatever they wanted without being looked down upon. The Laguna way is more accepting of human uniqueness in how many decide to live their life. In the United States, the doors to gender have been cracked but hasn’t fully become open to the things that are changing traditional values in this new