Concentration Camp Vs Holocaust

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Pages: 7

I have learned so much about my research project. Concentration camps and the Holocaust are not always fun topics because of all the terrible things that happened, but we have to learn about them to see what they had to go and live through and to make sure history never repeats itself. I learned that sometimes the things we complain about aren't that important in life, the things that we worry about are nowhere near the things that the Jewish people had to worry about while living in a death camp. A concentration camp was a place where the Jews were forced to live for about 3 years. About up to 4,500 people would die each day. People would die from starvation; they would die from being cold, the disgusting camp food, from the gas …show more content…
This was to symbolize they were Jews. All of the Jews wore this before they knew they would be taken away from their home and their families. They did not know that this is how the Nazi’s knew you were a Jew. (Thomson,9) When you first came to a concentration camp you were told to put all of your belongings into a circle. The Nazis would take anything they wanted. They even would take gold teeth from a person after they died in a gas chamber. (Sztetl) The Jews took with them their most prized possessions because they did not know when they were going to be home or if they were ever going back to their house again. The Nazis would give their stuff to towns that had been bombed and did not have anything and the rest the Nazis would take back home to their families. (I Escaped) The sleeping arrangements at a concentration camp were crowded and cold. You were given no pillows and every couple of girls would get a blanket. Up to10 girls would have to share one shelf the bunks were more like shelves you would see in your pantry at home. They were very thin and long if you were to lay on your back you would only have a few inches of space left until you were touching the top of the shelf. …show more content…
All of the showers were outside with no privacy you were given no soap and no towels so many people did not shower because they found no point in being freezing all day and getting your clothes all wet from using it as a towel. (Sanitation) Gas chambers are a big reason why most people died. The first gas chambers were in cars these cars had gas called Zyklon B this gas would kill you because you can not breathe it in for very long until your lungs stop working and you can not breathe. They then changed and put the gas chambers inside of the camp so they could kill more people faster. (Downing,8) One of the Nazi men that ran the camp said, “ It is better to keep the process moving so that we do not have to hear thousands of jews panicking we give them as little as possible time to think.” This is mainly saying that the Nazi’s liked to have the gas chamber process moving as fast as they could so that the jews did not have very much time to think about where they were going and how they were going to die.