Conspiracy Theory: Children

Words: 861
Pages: 4

“They call us monsters” (Netflix)
Argument found in “They call us monsters”: Children (those under 18) depending on certain crimes should be charged as adult crimes.
AGREE: As Joel Anderson stated “These are evil menacing people... this is absolutely outrageous that we’re going to release these little psychopaths back into the streets to murder again.” If a child of 11 years old is going to murder his/her own parents or attempt to murder anyone there is no reassurance the child will change that type of behavior once out of juvenile detention. If they are charged as grown adults they will see the full consequences of the crime they committed therefore rethinking to disobey the law again in the future. Murder is murder, a life is still being
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AGREE: It was said to believe that whoever was capable of putting a man on the moon first would most likely succeed in the War. Therefore the United States attempted to get their men to step foot on the moon. After numerous attempts of straight failure they were finally able to get a man to the moon. However how is it that after disappointment they were finally able to achieve this? Other examples that prove NASA faked their landing on the moon are those are that follow. In video recording captured from the moon the U.S flag is waving once planted into the moon, however this is not possible because there is no air in space. All the videos are extremely bad quality which could have been easily shot anywhere, along with the “footprints” created by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. In all the photographs captured on their voyage there is not a single star to be found anywhere. Which proves that they were anywhere but space. This could have all been filmed in Area 51 which is highly equipped and secured so the public could not be aware of the