After Vanderbilt s ferry business took off, he became known as the captain of industry due to his great contributions to the transportation and shipping industries. As his ferry business grew he kept reinvesting his profits back into the business, he eventually had more ferries than any other company. Vanderbilt ultimately dominated the Hudson River trade route and was the only ferry company around. Vanderbilt s ferry business became popular so quickly because he offered things others didn't like: low fares, prices and reliable services, allowing him to outcompete his rivals and establish a monopoly in the business. However, Cornelius Vanderbilt is most known for his work in the railroad industry. He recognized the growing industry of the railroad and the importance of newly invented transportation. After this realization, Vanderbilt decided to partake in the industry to further his ferry business. Due to his prior wealth, he stepped into the industry further ahead than most. New to the industry, Vanderbilt was able to buy out many railroad companies and put them out of