Cornelius Vanderbilt Research Paper

Words: 759
Pages: 4

Cornelius Vanderbilt Cornelius Vanderbilt was born in Staten Island, New York on May 27, 1794. Child of Phebe Hand and Cornelius van Derbilt. His mother was very hard working for success, and his father was focus on his craft. Even though Cornelius Vanderbilt was successful in life he didn’t finish his education. At age eleven he quit school to work with his father ferrying cargo. Vanderbilt once said, “If I had learned education I would not have had time to learn anything else. At age 18, Vanderbilt worked with the U.S. government to give supplies to close resources during the time of War of 1812. He learned how to master at ship crafting. He soon was given the nickname “Commodore,” which he embraced. At the age of 19 Vanderbilt married his first cousin, Sophia Johnson. They had 13 children which 11 survived to adulthood. They consisted of two boys and nine girls. Vanderbilt reportedly had his son Cornelius Jeremiah put in an asylum. He was not a good father and paid more attention to his sons. After technology surfaced in 1817, Cornelius Vanderbilt created a steamship business with Thomas Gibbons, the Union Line. During the time of their partnership with Gibbons, Vanderbilt learned how to function a large business and became familiar with legal situations. Gibbons help Vanderbilt ferry customers …show more content…
During the 1830s, he built shipping routes in New York offering top service. Vanderbilt rules out his competitors and finally they paid him to take his business to better them. He moved his operations to the Hudson River, competing against the Hudson River Steamboat Association. He name, “People’s Line”, that offering cheap fares to all. The Association bought him out for $100,000 and payments of $5,000. This business made Vanderbilt a self-made millionaire. Cornelius Vanderbilt once said, “I don't care half so much about making money as I do about making my point, and coming out