(Selling short is to sell stock you do not own for later delivery in the belief that the price will fall so when it comes time to deliver you can buy the stick you need at a lower price than you sold it for). After selling short the legislatures announce the franchise to lower Manhattan was invalid because the State had not given its permission for it. They expected the value of the stock to plummet. However, Vanderbilt was the wealthiest man in American. As the price began to drop he began to buy and by buying he maintained the price of the stock. He brought so much that the price actually increased. When it came time for the legislators to deliver they found that it was Vanderbilt who had brought their stock in the first place and now he owned almost all of the stock in the rail line. They had to come to him to buy the stock at his price to deliver to him. Many of them lost everything. Vanderbilt made a lot of