Warren Bennis the world’s leading exponent of leadership theory has described leadership as ‘the capacity to create a compelling vision and translate it into action and sustain it. Like art, leadership is subject to competing influences and popular movements that are constantly changing the way it is perceived’.
Leadership Behaviours
There are many dimensions to leadership and many possible ways of describing leadership styles, such as dictatorial, unitary, bureaucratic, benevolent, charismatic, consultative, participative and abdicatorial. The style of managerial leadership towards subordinate staff and the focus of power can, however, be classified broadly, within three headings, namely authoritarian or autocratic, …show more content…
It is found that a highly motivated employee gives his or her all, using his/her skills and talents in attaining the Departmental or Divisional objectives with the over-arching desire for the success of the organisation as a whole. This is consistent with the Path-Goal Theory undertaken by House and Dessler which is based on the belief that an individual’s motivation is dependent upon expectations that increased effort to achieve an improved level of performance will be successful, and too, the notion that improved performance will be instrumental in obtaining positive rewards and avoiding negative outcomes.
The evaluation also contemplates my effectiveness in the areas of short range thinking, and a realistic and practical approach to leadership. If we accept the widely held view that leadership does matter and that the function of a business leader is to increase shareholder value, then you will agree with my conviction that this type of leadership is the best alternative for creating desired synergies at the workplace. The dynamism of the Company lends itself to the utilization of nonlinear thinking, which I have successfully used to resolve issues of varying complexities. There is no immediate prescription for addressing certain issues that arise from time to time. It is in such instances that the situational approach becomes a useful resource as despite the inherent limitations, it is usually possible to find an appropriate