Cultural Assessment Model Paper

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Pages: 5

“The behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic or age group” (Sagar, 2012) is the definition of culture. A culture can be something as simple and unique as having sophisticated taste and joining a group for classical music, or it can be something more straight-forward and common such as being a parent. There are cultures that are passed down from generation to generation and beliefs that each culture holds dear to their hearts. A cultural assessment model is a framework for assessing cultures and it gives you different phenomenon’s that can be found within each culture. From there an individual can research a specific culture and see how they relate to each of the standard domains. The common parts found in every …show more content…
Friendships can be lifelong, which can facilitate most of social interactions. Within ethnicities, there is common ground where individuals can relate to, which brings them together. Holding down a steady career is very common, which means work is a big part of how individuals get to know one another. Finally, of course people love to spend their leisurely time surrounded by those who love and care about them.
Time can be interpreted in distinctive ways. According to Priscilla Sagar in her book Transcultural nursing theory and models, she states that time can be related to how it is measured, as well as time orientation. Time orientation can refer to past, present or future time, which can lead to a variety of misinterpretations if a nurse is not aware of the cultures beliefs. Past time can be related to honoring and respecting the elders. Present time refers to being in the present, and doing things today that can benefit you. Future time usually focuses on goals and making plans for the future. An example from Giger and Davidhizar is that preventative health care is how some cultures plan for the future because they can ultimately be rewarded for taking precautions about their health (Sagar