Cyp 3.1 2.3

Words: 894
Pages: 4

Children depend completely upon adults to meet all their needs. The way in which these needs are met will vary considerably according to a number of factors including family circumstances, culture, the child and the adult.

It is very important that early years practitioners understand the importance of providing respectful physical care for a child which takes into account their ability, culture and personal preference, any religious practices such as family traditions must also be carefully considered. It is essential that the practitioner at all times respects the parents knowledge and decisions about their own child.

In addition to taking into account a parents wishes an early years practitioner must know and understand the basic requirements
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• Intellectual stimulation
• Relationships and social contacts
• Shelter, warmth and clothing
• Fresh air and sunlight
• Love and consistent and continuous affection
• Access to health care
• Appreciation, praise and recognition of efforts and achievement
• Security and nurture

Before a practitioner can start to care for a child they need to seek the opinions and preferences of their parents/primary carers so that they can be certain that they are taking a parents wishes into account. For example do they want their child to have a dummy or comforter of any kind when they sleep? In order to provide for a child’s physical care practitioner’s need to work closely with