Cystic Fibrosis Research Paper

Words: 1093
Pages: 5

Mucoviscidosis commonly known as Cystic Fibrosis which is usually shortened to CF is a genetic disorder that effects 70,000 people world wide. The disease affects the respiratory and digestive systems which include primarily the lung, the pancreas, the liver, the kidneys and the intestine. Cystic Fibrosis is caused by a defective gene that causes difficulty breathing, coughing up mucus and can be life threatening without constant medical care and attention from doctors. “Cystic fibrosis is the most common fatal genetic disease of Caucasians” according to the Iowa Department of Public Heath. A cure has not yet been found but hard working scientists around the world are search for one daily. Today age of survival is just of forty years old …show more content…
Now those with Cystic Fibrosis can attend specialized CF Centers where they can be treated by doctors who have a lot of experience with the disease itself. In 1938, Dr. Dorothy Andersen gave the first description of the disease we now know as Cystic Fibrosis. She was a pathologist at the New York Babies Hospital. Andersen was the first to start to put together a definition of what it is but there is evidence of it from 1857. In Switzerland in 1857 a book was released called the “Almanac of Children’s Songs and Games from Switzerland” and in this book their was a passage which read “the child will soon die whose brow tastes salty when kissed.” Though this does not state this boy has Cystic Fibrosis but a more modern study released in 1953 stated that a increased salt content in sweat is usually an easy way to tell if one could …show more content…
Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disease caused by a defective gene that is inherited from their parents. The gene is located on chromosome 7 and called Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance more commonly referred to as CFTR. The protein that is made by this gene usually is in charge of helping salt move in and out of the cells. Without this ability the salt clogs the cells causing a large amount of mucus to be built up on the outside of the cells. This primarily occurs in the lungs, which causes sickness and infection in the lungs. It also effects the pancreas because the mucus blocks the duct which makes it impossible for digestive enzymes to be able to reach the intestines which makes it so you can not properly digest food. Finally another smaller thing that is a result of this is that it effects the balance of Minerals in ones body because salt in excreted in excess when