Death Of Friar Lawrence In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Pages: 3

When death of a major character occurs, who is held accountable? Resolving this required research and can be solved but, some take more effort to solve this case than others. There are many suspects out there and can surprisingly include the major character who can be blamed as well. A great example of this problem is the play, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare which is a book where two of the main characters meet death in the end. There are many characters who can contribute to this death but, the character that holds accountable for these deaths is Friar Lawrence. Friar Lawrence is a priest who is a good friend of Romeo. One of the main reasons why Friar Lawrence can be held accountable for is because he allowed Romeo and Juliet to get married. Although Friar Lawrence may have had his doubts at first of the two getting married while talking to Romeo, he eventually agreed to help the couple get married (“In one respect i’ll thy assistant be” (2.3.97). Friar Lawrence the same day, helped the two then get officially married (“Till Holy Church incorporate two in one” (2.6.37). Romeo and Juliet were already somewhat obsessed and the marriage that Friar Lawrence helped with just escalated this. If Friar Lawrence didn’t help with the two getting married then they wouldn’t be as crazy for each other …show more content…
Though they did go through to try and show what love is all about but ended unhappily, there are many connections that be made towards the explanation of their deaths. Readers are about to come up with who is held responsible for a major character’s death but, there can be multiple faults though a character can be held more responsible than others. Romeo and Juliet did follow through actions but, this play shows that Romeo and Juliet’s actions to lead to their death isn’t fully credited to themselves but, to another character that helped them carry out these