Declaration Of Independence Research Paper

Words: 846
Pages: 4

The Declaration of Independence is a document written by, what is known as the "Committee of five," which included John Adams, Roger Sherman, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Livingston, and Thomas Jefferson. Congress picked these men to write this document explaining why the 13 American colonies should become independent states and leave the British Empire. (Nation Archives. (2016, October 6). Americas Founding Documents. The Declaration of Independence: A History. Retrieved from The draft of the Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson and only took seventeen days to write. Even though July, 4 is considered Independence Day, congress actually declared independence of July 2, 1776. They then spent two days revising the draft and the Declaration of Independence was approved on July 4, 1776. (Harrison, E. (2012 July 4). 9 Things You May Not …show more content…
Congress picked these men to write this document explaining why the 13 American colonies should become independent states and leave the British Empire. (Nation Archives. (2016, October 6). Americas Founding Documents. The Declaration of Independence: A History. Retrieved from The draft of the Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson and only took seventeen days to write. Even though July, 4 is considered Independence Day, congress declared independence of July 2, 1776. They then spent two days revising the draft and the Declaration of Independence was officially approved on July 4, 1776. (Harrison, E. (2012 July 4). 9 Things You May Not Know About the Declaration of Independence. Retrieved from