Detox Case Study

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Pages: 4

The first step is realizing that there is a problem. Once someone is ready to get help for an addiction, the next step is to find out how to safely detox from alcohol. While it is possible to recover from an addiction alone, it is far safer to go through detox at a treatment center. Medical supervision and support are important for preventing complications during withdrawal.

How to Safely Detox From Alcohol at Treatment Programs

When the patient is ready to seek treatment, they have several different options available. Individuals can go through treatment at an inpatient or an outpatient treatment center. The options depend on the severity of their addiction and their responsibilities.

An inpatient facility offers around-the-clock supervision.
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Seizures can typically occur about 24 to 48 hours after the last drink, although this timing can occasionally vary. Meanwhile, delirium tremens are likely to appear about 48 to 72 hours into detox.

Is a Professional Detox Center Necessary?

While some people in recovery choose to detox at home, this is not the safest option. Symptoms like delirium tremens, heart palpitations and seizures can be extremely dangerous. Because of this, it is vital that patients seek a medical detox program when they decide to become sober. At the treatment center, patients will learn how to safely detox from alcohol and receive the support that they need.

Taking the First Step

Alcoholism can have long-term physical, mental and financial consequences. Left untreated, it can lead to liver disease, cardiovascular problems and a shorter life span. While many people want to become sober, it is not always easy to do this alone. Once someone realizes that they need help, the next step is to go to a treatment center.

At the treatment center, patients can get help with:

- Medical support through all stages of treatment
- Individualized, holistic treatment options
- Safe, healthy detoxification
- Help treating co-occurring medical and mental