As the children mix colors with paint they learn cause and effect this will help in decision making later in age. This activity would help meet physical development helping children use their fine motor skills. The first, principle of developmentally appropriate practice teaches that all domains are interrelated and when children learn from one domain it effects other domains and is influenced by other skill set learned (NAECY, 2009). In the classroom when educators choose to disregard developmentally appropriate practice it can discourage or keep children from reaching their full potential. One of the examples of this would be a classroom that did not embrace diversity in the classroom. Limiting language, books, dolls or toys to just one ethnic group making non-white children feel left out or unimportant. In the classroom, another example of not choosing developmentally appropriate practice would be limiting children to just worksheets or flashcards which may not be age appropriate with small children who are more engaged in active learning than sitting for extended periods of time working on worksheets. Children need a variety of learning strategies to keep them engaged and encouraged to