Differences Between Northern And Southern Colonies

Words: 1755
Pages: 8

The British set up their first colony in America in 1607 at Jamestown. After this,the presence of Britain grew quickly in North America until many northern and southern colonies had been set up. For a long time, the Northerners and the Southerners thought of themselves as very different. Others, however, later thought of them as more similar than different. In fact, the northern and southern British American colonies had many things in common but many things that were different. The reasons the people of the North and South settled in America were similar. The relationship with natives was similar in some ways and different in others. Both the northern and southern colonies used slavery but in different ways. The economies of the North and …show more content…
Some thought that they were more similar than different and others thought they were more different than similar. People settled in both the northern and southern colonies for two main reasons: either to escape their old lives and to be free or to take advantage of the economic opportunities in America. In both the North and South, settlers fought and suppressed natives, however in the North, some settlers had good relations with natives and traded with them. There was slavery in both sets of colonies as a result of trade with the Caribbean and slaves were treated poorly, but there were fewer slaves in the North and they arrived later than in the South. Finally, the economy of the North was more diverse than in the South, and the South relied more heavily on farming. The northern and southern British American colonies were very similar, yet very different at the same time. In the end, the claim that the northern and southern British American colonies were more similar than different is untrue because they are neither more similar nor more different. Instead, the number of similarities and the number of differences are nearly