Digital Evidence Research Paper

Words: 1025
Pages: 5


Technology has turned the world into a global village. Businesses today rely on technology to run their day to day operations. Criminals have not been left behind on matters technology. Most crime perpetrators today carry out their activities on digital platforms. Techniques used in perpetrating crime advance as days go by. Criminals that carry out their malicious activities in the digital world have to be brought to book and judged for their wrongdoings. It is, however, complicated to acquire digital evidence, preserve it and use it in a court of law. Forensic investigators are involved in the process of collecting evidence analyzing
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Photos can be used to show what was done at each step to reduce the chances of individuals casting doubt on the evidence. It is not wise to use plastic material when packaging digital evidence as it is likely to generate charges that may interfere with digital evidence. The packaging should be such that the media is not expected to be scratched or tampered with in the course of transportation. Devices should not be switched off when collecting digital evidence as this might lead to the temporary loss data that is usually stored in RAM. It is wise to limit exposure of the hardware used to collect data to magnetic fields. Most storage devices achieve their objective by aligning dipoles in a given direction. Magnetic fields are likely to distort these patterns leading to data …show more content…
Experts use special methods, tools, and source of artifacts in the process of analyzing digital evidence. Data mining is one of the approaches that experts rely on when analyzing forensics data. For instance, the time element can be used to link various activities hence developing a significant chronology that can be presented in court. Before any analysis begins, it is prudent to create a copy of the original data and have it isolated.
Probability and other statistics can be used to link different datasets. Based on this analysis, some aspects can be eliminated leaving others for further investigation. Logs can be analyzed using special data analytics tools. CAAT tools are also used by forensic investigators when linking different data sets. For instance, IDEA and ACL can help in the analysis of logs for a computer that has been compromised. The log file is uploaded o the CAAT tool and unique scripts used to filter out exceptions for purposes of further