Distracted Driving Research Paper

Words: 455
Pages: 2

Thousands of drivers worldwide are driving distracted. Drivers are distracted, whether it be cell phones, eating, putting on make-up, or thinking of things other than the road. More and more accidents occur daily due to the vehicle driver becoming distracted. According to cdc.gov, "Anything that takes your attention away from driving can be a distraction." This statement has proven true in multiple cases. With the use of electronic devices broadening within the last ten years, distracted driving is becoming more common, especially for new drivers who own cell phones. Distracted driving, even if people do not want to believe it, is a dangerous act. The detrimental effects of distracted driving are harmful to the one driving and everyone around them. Three …show more content…
Visual distraction can also be associated with cell phone usage. Texting while driving is a big problem in this day and age. Drivers worldwide have wrecks daily because they are visually distracted by that one text or email they send while behind the wheel of a vehicle. A driver can become visually distracted in multiple ways, not only by cell phones but also by using a GPS, looking at a billboard, an accident, and the scenery around you (forbes.com). The next activity that can cause a driver to be distracted is manual distraction, which is removing your hands from the wheel of a vehicle (cdc.gov). Manual distraction can also involve the use of cell phones. Sending a text or email could also be considered a distraction. Another type of manual distraction could be eating. Many people think that eating while driving is not a serious problem, but it is. If one eats while driving, one removes one's hand from the wheel to get the food item and then puts it in one's mouth. Eating while driving might not seem like a big issue, but in reality, you have your hands off the wheel for at least fifteen seconds; anything could happen in those fifteen