Distracted Driving Research Paper

Words: 535
Pages: 3

Is Distracted Driving Just Cell Phone Use?

Distracted driving has become one of the most common reasons for traffic accidents and traffic fatalities in America. During 2014, 10 percent of traffic fatalities and 18 percent of injuries from traffic crashes were caused by distracted drivers. A total of 3,179 fatalities and 431,000 people were injured in distracted driving accidents that year.
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Many experts blame the increase in distracted driving accidents on the use of smart phones. Talking on a cell phone and texting while driving are common causes of distracted driving accidents; however, they are not the only cause of distracted driving accidents. According to date from the
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However, as you can see, texting while driving and other cell phone use is not the only forms of distracted driving.
Consequences of Distracted Driving Accidents
Unfortunately, the consequences of a distracted driving accident can be devastating. The distracted driver can suffer serious injuries; however, innocent victims in other vehicles can have their lives turned upside down by the careless and reckless decisions and behaviors of another driver.
A victim of a distracted driving accident suffers financial damages in addition to physical injuries and emotional stress. For injuries requiring ongoing medical treatments, personal care, and/or rehabilitation, the cost for the accident victim can quickly reach hundreds of thousands of dollars. If the person is unable to return to work due to the injuries sustained in the crash, the damages can reach into the millions of