Domestic Violence And Women

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Pages: 5

Domestic violence is a worldwide issue that affects both women and men. Even though men also suffer from domestic violence, it is statistically proven that women suffer more from it. According to the National Institute of Justice (2010) only 3 percent of domestic abuse victims are men compared to a 22 percent that are women. Violence in the home is considered to be both physical and psychological abuse. Physical abuse between lovers can go from a simple push to a sexual assault; and even though there shouldn’t be any form of violence between them, it still happens a lot. This violence leaves marks, which are somehow easy to discover even when the victim is trying to hide them. Some of the signs to look for are: wearing sunglasses inside the …show more content…
It is also more frequent and more tolerated than the physical abuse because in most cases the victims don’t recognize it. According to Smith et al. (2012) name-calling, blaming, yelling, shaming, intimidation, and controlling are behaviors that are considered to be psychological violence. But the most important way to recognize the abuse is by the fear of the victim. If at any time a person feels that they might cause a negative action in their partners and the individual is trying not to do it at all costs, this person is suffering from domestic abuse.
To our eyes there is no real excuse for a person to be either physically violent or verbally abusive, but in reality there are three major factors that influence this type of behavior. These major influences are alcohol, drugs, and ethnicity. In society there is skepticism about how these factors affect the abuse in the homes, but statistics and research have proven the effect they really
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Drugs are another substance that are considered to be a cause for domestic abuse. For example, in a study conducted by Bennett et al. (1994) they discovered to their surprise that drug abuse is most related to incidents of domestic violence than alcohol. Since there are a lot of different legal and illegal drugs that influence behavior, research can be difficult and sometimes inaccurate. Researchers need to have a very controlled study and know exactly what they are looking for. Every drug can have a different effect on the abusers, which could influence their tendency towards violence (Parker & Auerhalam, 1998). Prescription drugs are also a huge factor when it comes to abuse. “Psychoactive drugs can induce negative changes in behavior” (Moore, 2011). Unfortunately, many homes are destroyed by drug abusers and sometimes they can’t control