Domestic Violence Effects On Women

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Pages: 4

A crime that is unspoken by most- people do not know what it means or how it happens. Domestic violence- when a person repeatedly abuses their intimate partner to show power or gain power. Most people think this is just physical abuse, but no, it is so much more. Domestic violence can be physical, emotional, sexual, and psychological. Domestic violence can happen to anyone. It does not matter what religion, race, gender, age, and whether it is a married couple or not, whether you are bisexual, lesbian, transgender or you are same-sex marriage. It can affect a person for the rest of their life and it is more common than most people believe. According to “Department of Justice” Physical violence can be anything from hitting, pushing, slapping, …show more content…
One in every ten men in the United States has experienced some form of domestic violence. One in every seven men the age of eighteen or older in the United States has been the victim of some form of domestic violence by an intimate partner. Forty-eight percent of men have been psychologically abused by an intimate partner. Thirty-five percent of men also experienced an impact in their life because of domestic violence or witnessing domestic violence (NDVH, 2017). About fifty-three percent of men have been sexually abused by an intimate partner and about twelve percent experience unwanted sexual contact from an intimate …show more content…
Children can grow up witnessing domestic violence from their parents, siblings or even their friends. A child witnessing domestic violence will have long-term effects and most likely will stick with them throughout life. A child can experience anxiety and depression growing up; they also can have trouble in social settings, start doing poorly in school and resort to violence when trying to solve a problem with another person (M. Stiles, 2002). They also resort to fighting, lying, bullying, or cheating. It is estimated that about three million children witness incidents of domestic violence annually (M. Stiles, 2002). Some children will have problems in future relationships, whether it is friends, boyfriends, or girlfriends. This research paper went over the information to be known about domestic violence. Domestic violence is when a person uses abuse in many forms to gain power over their intimate partner. Domestic violence is an unspoken crime that does not get looked at much. Although it is something that happens in some people’s daily lives. It does not matter what religion, gender, race, or age. There will always be new research and new reports coming in every minute about domestic violence. It is a crime that never stops but never gets spoken