Dry Mouth Research Paper

Words: 459
Pages: 2

There are so many things that can affect our oral health. Factors ranging from genetics, diet, smoking, proper brushing, or eating too many sweets, all play a part in the state of our teeth. One factor that we might not consider as a cause is dry mouth or dehydration. Dry mouth can certainly factor into our oral health.

Dry mouth usually is most prevalent in the morning when we wake up. When our mouths are dry, it creates an environment that is favorable to bacterial growth. Of course, most of us start the morning by brushing out teeth, either before or after breakfast, so dry mouth is a short term condition. For some of us, dry mouth can be a lingering problem.

What causes dry mouth?
Dehydration is probably the most common cause of dry
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For older adults especially, medications such as blood pressure meds, antidepressants, anti-anxiety meds, diuretics, or decongestants, can all be related to dehydration. Up to 30% of older Americans have tooth decay caused by dry mouth.

Symptoms of dry mouth
The most common symptom is halitosis. Halitosis occurs as bacteria grows in a favorable environment, such as dry mouth. Normal amounts of saliva are needed to wash away food particles, and also to prevent plaque.

There are other frequent symptoms of dry mouth, in addition to halitosis. Some of those are: difficulty speaking or chewing, hoarseness, sore throat, or problems swallowing food.

The oral complications associated with dry mouth
The major complication is the growth of bacteria in a favorable environment. As the bacteria builds over time, it attacks our gums (periodontitis) and eventually the bones which hold our teeth in place.

How can you avoid dry mouth?
The most obvious way to avoid dehydration and dry mouth is to always stay hydrated. Proper hydration retards the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth and serves as a strong preventative measure against gum