Effective Criminal Justice System

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Pages: 5

There are many reasons to why someone would commit a crime. That is an answer someone would give when trying to answer the question; why would someone commit a crime? To be able to have an effective criminal justice system in place that answer isn’t going to cut it, a person is going to need to dive deep and get inside the head a criminal. The definition of crime, “is a wrong against society proclaimed by law, and if committed under certain circumstances, punishable by society,” (Gaines pg. 5). Another answer could be the seven sins, a cliché, but true, but does that account from a woman who breaks the law and becomes an escort so she can earn extra money to feed her family, or a homeless man on the street panhandling to get a meal? Understanding …show more content…
Now in the mornings it’s bumper to bumper traffic and I am lucky if I am driving 10 miles an hour; after work though there is no traffic and then I am presented a choice, I can either follow the speed limit or drive just a little faster. I would be lying if I said I never break the speed limit and knowing what would happen if I sometimes drive faster than I should on the interstate on my way home. I learned the hard way when I got pulled over and got a pricing ticket for driving too fast. I knew the speed limit and I knew what would happen if I got caught but I decided to break the law. Obviously speed limits are put in place to keep us safe and driving above the speed limit can cause serious accidents, but yet people, including myself sometimes break this law, …show more content…
The advancement of information and how we obtain it has helped the criminal justice system as well. In every part of the world from the technologically advanced to the third world countries there is a system in place to accuse, to convict and execute the punishment and the united states, one of the youngest countries, has a criminal justice system that has developed into something sophisticated.
There is much advancement in the criminal justice world. One of those systems would be a GPS, global positioning system, a device that we all use, on a daily basis to help get where we are going. In the Police world the GPS can be used by the dispatch to know where patrol cars are, (Police Chief Magazine). This is helpful so the dispatch can know where all the patrol cars are and if one is needed at a certain location they can easily find the one that is the closest and available. With the GPS it helps quicken the response times and can help prevent a crime or even help save a person who is in