An Exploration into the Pollution of Lake Huron
June 7, 2013
Abstract A look into the giant water system known as The Great Lakes, to further understand the ecosystems and the cause and effects pollutions have on the people and the wildlife. We explore the many possibilities of what could been done to fix and prevent these catastrophes and what programs and processes have been implemented to save and preserve these great lakes.
Determining Causes and Effects:
An Exploration into the Pollution of Lake Huron
The Great Lakes, Lake Erie, Michigan, Huron, Superior, and Ontario, are our largest freshwater lake system. Lake Huron, like all the other Great Lakes, contains many species of wildlife in its ecosystem and is in danger because of all the pollution introduced into its ecosystem. This pollution is harmful to fish, wildlife stocks, and to the people living in this region. The University of Mississippi produced a study that focused specifically on pollution's effects on The Great Lakes ecosystem. Determining the causes and effects of water pollution in Lake Huron’s ecosystem may bring new ideas and plans to clean up our waterways and promote a cleaner safer Great Lakes for our future to enjoy and marvel.
Pollutants in and around Lake Huron
Water quality has become a major issue along the southern shores of Lake Huron in recent years. Although there are many causes of Lake Huron’s pollution, most fall under three categories: Point-source pollution; Nonpoint-source pollution; and air pollution. Point-source pollution refers to mercury, fecal matter, and sewage, from treatment plants or industrial facilities, being dumped into the Lake. Nonpoint-source pollution refers to runoff of polluted water from crops or lawns, which contain contaminants. These contaminants may be oil, sand, and salt from roadways, agricultural chemicals, and toxic materials from urban or rural areas. Additionally, air pollution is also a major concern. According to the Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation, “…the air quality of the Ontario Lake Huron Shoreline is among the worst in Southern Ontario.” “Other chemicals that can be deposited into Lake Huron via the atmosphere include pesticides, lead, mercury, PCBs, furans and dioxins.” (The Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation, 1998-2012)
The dangers of dirty water
Studies have shown that two kinds of bacteria (enterococcus and E. coli), which are indicators of human fecal matter, were present in 20% of the samples taken from Lake Michigan beaches in 2004. If ingested by humans, these bacteria could cause such illnesses as extreme as typhoid fever. Infections, gastrointestinal diseases, and parasites are other possible risks from coming into contact with these bacteria. Because of fecal matter pollution that has been plaguing beaches on the Great Lakes, there was a 32% increase in the number of Great Lakes beach closings and advisories in 2003. As seen in Fig.1 the amount of pollutants is immense. (Liu et al 2006).
Working for a cleaner tomorrow
In addition to the adverse effects of Lake Huron water pollution on humans, there are also economic affects that need consideration. For instance, the Obama administration has come up with a five-year plan to repair damaged Lakes from toxic contamination and declining wildlife habitats, and will costs $2.2 billion. President Obama pledged $5 billion to be spread out over a decade for this task. Congress approved the first installment last year for $475 million a year until 2014. Also included in this plan is “A strategy for monitoring the ecosystem’s health and holding federal agencies accountable for carrying out the plan” (New York Times 2010). Additionally, the plan sets out ecological goals and specific actions to be taken by 16 federal agencies working with state, local and tribal governments and private groups. The article states that this plan along with enforcement of existing