Epic Of Gilgamesh Research Paper

Words: 740
Pages: 3

It is certain that in Early Mesopotamian culture they manifested an interesting overview of their world and beliefs. From their profound mastery that illustrated their theory of life, death, and after life. Underneath the mysterious civilization of Mesopotamia, we can initiate that modern-day civilization has some similarities in their beliefs when it comes to death and life. Many of us humans have a feeling of grief and fear when it comes to the idea of death and everyone’s individual concept if whether there is or there is not an afterlife. This amazing culture differed in magnitude of what happens after death, having specific beliefs about a person’s destiny after death and finally the sense of closure that death is a human nature entity we cannot escape. According to Mesopotamians they had …show more content…
The deep messages of life and death through symbolization and creativity in relation with religious rites involving ghosts, powerful creatures, or dying gods. In this ritual text, the most alarming message I came across was that death is inevitable and inescapable in the human life. I believe the main reason why the Epic of Gilgamesh is so interesting is simply because it has an amazing insight into the human translation of people thousands of years ago, of which many of us are still relevant today. Some of these human concerns found in the story that are still applicable today including the fear and questions that people have in relation to death, the overwhelming desires to be immortal. It does not take a great deal of thought into “The Epic of Gilgamesh”, for a person to come across the themes in the story. In this book my favorite part was “Seven days and nights I sat beside the body, weeping for Enkidu beside the body, and then I saw a worm fall out of his nose. Must I die too? Must Gilgamesh be like that? It was then I felt the fear of it in my belly. I roam the wilderness because of the fear.